Archive for July, 2017


Posted by dzadmin 12 Jul 2017 No Comments »

Ugh! What is that smell? Aw man, it’s the dog again! Her farts are lethal! Does this sound familiar to you? Dogs are animals, so it makes sense they can be stinky. However, excessive flatulence isn’t too pleasing on your nostrils and it may be a sign of something going on in your pup’s digestive system.


There are many reasons why your dog can have excessive and extra stinky farts. Some reasons for your dog’s gas may include:

  • A diet with high fat
  • Foods that are too hard for your dog’s body to digest.
  • Your dog is overeating.
  • Your dog eats too fast.
  • Your dog lacks exercise.
  • A change in her diet
  • A gastrointestinal disease or virus
  • A diet filled with beans, soy, milk, wheat, spices, or high-fiber


So, what can you do to get this rotten smell out of your home, or at least down to a minimum? Passing gas is natural after all! Before you do anything, bring your dog to the vet to rule out anything serious like irritable bowel disease or a virus. Once you and your find figure out the potential culprit of your pup’s gas, you can begin to change things in her daily life that will hopefully reduce the number of farts your smelling or hearing per day! Some things you can change are:


  • Keep the fat in her diet low
  • Purchase dog food that has ingredients that is easier to digest.
  • Schedule exercise time with your dog daily.
  • Make sure your dog isn’t stressed when eating, so she will slow down (less air gulped in the stomach).
  • Serve her smaller portions and monitor her intake.
  • Make sure she doesn’t have an allergy or sensitivity to certain meats or dairy products.
  • Purchase a probiotic to help your dog digest food easier. Ark Naturals sells Gentle Digest capsules and soft chews, which promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria by helping to aid digestion by breaking down food into nutrients that can be easily absorbed. To purchase Gentle Digest, click here.


It might take some trial and error to determine the cause of the gas, but it’ll be worth it when the stink is gone! Remember, changes in diet or taking probiotics are great if they work, but if your dog doesn’t get better, you’ll have to have another conversation with the vet.


If you’re looking for other wellness products for your dog, Ark Naturals also offers products for joints, grooming, dental and more! Click here. Click here to view and purchase all our health and wellness products for dogs.



This Certificate Can Prove Your Dog Really Is a Good Boy

Posted by dzadmin 07 Jul 2017 No Comments »
This Certificate Can Prove Your Dog Really Is a Good Boy


More landlords ask for canine credentials.

So you think you have a good dog?

If you’re trying to find a place to live, some landlords won’t just take your word for it. Dog interviews are now a thing, and some organizations are even offering certifications to prove that your pet has good behavior, The New York Times reports.

The American Kennel Club is now graduating about 65,000 dogs a year from its Canine Good Citizen program, according to the newspaper. The program consists of a 10-step test.

Such certification can help sway the boards of competitive New York City co-ops. But it can also help at places “like a vacation rental agency in North Carolina and a condo in Oregon,” said Dr. Mary Burch, director of the Canine Good Citizen program.

And the benefits of certification go beyond making it easier for dog owners to secure housing.

“Some of the country’s biggest insurance companies, such as Allstate, Liberty Mutual and the Hartford, will insure breeds of dogs they wouldn’t otherwise if the dog has Canine Good Citizen training,” Burch told the Times.

Read more at the New York Times

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