Archive for March, 2018

Vanessa Puleo at Led2Serve Announces The Launch Of Their Latest Journey, Explore Costa Rica

Posted by dzadmin 26 Mar 2018 No Comments »

Led2Serve, a Florida based 501(c)(3), today announced their newest Service Adventure Journey, ‘Explore Costa Rica’. This customized Journey is designed to bring travelers through several regions of beautiful Costa Rica, from rain forest to cloud forest, and the stunning Pacific beachside for an unsurpassed “travel with purpose” experience.

“Our hearts are in the regions of Costa Rica where we’ve spent almost ten years providing support to local communities. We’re excited to offer a new Journey, for the more adventurous traveler, and simultaneously strengthen our efforts of revisiting community partners, year after year,” stated Vanessa Puleo, Executive Director and Founder.

The ‘Explore Costa Rica’ Journey allows travelers to choose which regions of the country they would like to visit, based upon their groups interests. Led2Serve then creates a Journey for each group and incorporates meaningful community serve components throughout the trip for a true Service Adventure experience.

Led by the organization’s experienced bilingual guides, this exclusive Journey tours the team in private SUV’s throughout the country and combines adventure with Led2Serve’s exclusive partners. After a day of adventurous zip-lining, rappelling waterfalls or white water rafting, couples can relax and unwind at the world renown Baldi Hot Springs. A portion of this Journey provides more intimate evening dinners prepared by your travel guides in a private villa overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Whether a traveler enjoys waking up to the incredible sounds of the rainforest in a tree top hut, hiking the stunning cloud forest or scuba diving the Catalina Islands, this Journey has a little something for everyone.

About Led2Serve:
Founded in 2009 by Vanessa Puleo, Led2Serve was created to equip, inspire, and mobilize individuals and teams to serve others locally, nationally, and in regions of Costa Rica. Led2Serve’s customized Journeys provide the opportunity for team members to give of their time and talents by taking part in meaningful community projects such as building a ramp for the disabled, painting a school, teaching english and music, or participating in an environmental cleanup effort. All combined with fun, touring, and adventure in that community/city. Led2Serve coordinates all aspects of travel, from food and lodging to project materials and transportation. Led2Serve also helps to create, implement, and oversee the logistical parts of one day service projects in communities across the USA.

Vanessa Puleo
Founder Executive Director of Led2Serve 844-LED-2SRV
or visit

Puppy Anxiety: Calm Your Dog with Happy Traveler

Posted by dzadmin 14 Mar 2018 No Comments »
Puppy Anxiety: Calm Your Dog with Happy Traveler

Hate the feeling of being anxious and stressed? Your pup does too! Unlike you, your dog can’t sip on some warm tea, take a soothing bubble bath, pick up a book, take a yoga class, or talk to a therapist to release or lessen his anxiety. Just like stress can affect your daily life, dogs can have stress that negatively impact their life as well.

If you think your dog may be stressed, don’t ignore it! Ignoring symptoms of stress and anxiety in your dog will only make the problem worse. Stress and anxiety could also potentially be a sign of a bigger health issue, so you want to address this as soon as possible. Stress can also suppress a pet’s immune system, which can make them more prone to sickness and disease.

A pet’s life seems so great, so why would a dog be stressed?  There are a variety of things that can make a dog anxious. They can include fleas or worms, confinement, new surroundings, other animals in the home or at the park, loneliness, a change in daily routine or even riding in the car!

Along with talking with your vet, you can give your pet a natural, herbal calming product to help your dog relax. Ark Naturals offers Happy Traveler capsules and soft chews for dogs. This product was developed by a holistic veterinarian and PhD herbal scientist to ease anxiety and motion sickness.

Happy Traveler is formulated with the highest quality botanicals. It contains valerian, chamomile, L-Tryptophan, and St. Johns Wart.  In dogs, chamomile gives mild sedative effects to the digestive system. Valerian is a popular anti-anxiety herb which helps soothe. L-Tryptophan is an amino acid that works in the brain to support stress response and acts as a mood booster in the dog; it supports your dog’s well being by regulating stress and anxiety in the brain. St. John’s Wort is an herb that helps dogs that suffer from anxiety disorders, like separation anxiety, and various aggressive disorders.

Whether your dog has separation anxiety, travel anxiety, nervous when socializing or nervous around loud noises (fireworks, thunderstorms), Happy Traveler is useful. You can purchase Happy Traveler here.

For more dog wellness dog products, click here.

Ark Naturals is the preeminent brand of health and wellness products for pets. Ark Naturals has created and produced highly effective formulas for over 20 years.  Our products are designed to offer natural remedies for an array of pet care needs including oral care (dental), joint relief, skin & coat remedies, cognitive function, calming, digestion, and overall wellness. All-natural products and revolutionary formulas provide a better, more fulfilling life for your pet.

The post Puppy Anxiety: Calm Your Dog with Happy Traveler appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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