Archive for May, 2018

Tummy Troubles: Ways to Help Your Dog’s Digestion

Posted by dzadmin 21 May 2018 No Comments »

No one likes a stomach ache. Food doesn’t always sit right with us, or for our dogs. Just like us, different foods and habits can lead our dogs to feeling bloated or uncomfortable. Although having gas and flatulence are normal, excessive digestion issues can be a problem. Fortunately, there’s ways you can help your dog have a happy tummy again! Below, we wanted to share why your dog may have digestion trouble and different ways you can help make it better.

Here are some potential reasons that your dog may have digestion issues, like gas or irregular stools:

  • A high fat diet
  • Hard-digesting foods in the diet
  • Overeating
  • Eating too quickly
  • Lack of exercise
  • Change in diet
  • A gastrointestinal disease or virus
  • A diet filled with beans, soy, milk, wheat, spices, or high-fiber

How can you help your pup that’s experiencing some tummy trouble? First, bring your dog to the vet to rule out any potentially serious conditions. From there you can begin to make changes in his daily life that will make him feel much better! Here are some things you can do to help a stomach under stress:

  • Keep the fat in his diet low
  • Purchase dog food with simple ingredients – if you can easily pronounce what’s in it, it should be easy for your dog to digest
  • Exercise with your dog daily
  • Serve smaller portions and monitor intake
  • Find out if he has an allergy or sensitivity to certain meats or dairy products
  • Purchase a probiotic to help your dog digest food easier. Ark Naturals sells Gentle Digest capsules and soft chews, which promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria by helping to aid digestion by breaking down food into nutrients that can be easily absorbed. Gentle Digest contains prebiotics and probiotics. Probiotics provide a source of beneficial intestinal bacteria and help to encourage their growth, whereas prebiotics help stimulate the growth and/or activity of probiotics. Gentle Digest is helpful for periodic issues with gas, flatulence, smelly and irregular stools. It also works great for senior dogs who may be stressed.

It might take some trial and error to determine the cause of the gas or stomach troubles, but it’ll be worth it when the air has cleared, and your pup is happy again!

Click the Gentle Digest page to order the product.  Click our dog wellness page for more products to help your pooch.  

Ark Naturalsis the preeminent brand of health and wellness products for pets. Ark Naturals has created and produced highly effective formulas for over 20 years.  Our products are designed to offer natural remedies for an array of pet care needs including oral care (dental), joint relief, skin & coat remedies, cognitive function, calming, digestion, and overall wellness. All-natural products and revolutionary formulas provide a better, more fulfilling life for your pet.  


The post Tummy Troubles: Ways to Help Your Dog’s Digestion appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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Stress Less: Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety with Happy Traveler

Posted by dzadmin 17 May 2018 No Comments »

Happy dog, happy owner, right? As man’s best friend, we want our dogs to feel good each day of their lives. Research has shown dogs relax humans, so it only makes sense we do the same for them! You may have a job, home, errands, and kids to care about, but your pup may have a lot more stress than you think. No one likes stress and its effects, so it is important that we spot when our furry friend is feeling a bit under the weather!

If your pup seems out of sorts, help get him back to his happy self with Happy Traveler by Ark Naturals. Next time you think your dog is going to be in a stressful situation, reach for Happy Traveler! Happy Traveler is a natural herb calming formula for stressed, nervous, and anxious pets.  It comes in capsule and chewable options that were designed by a holistic veterinarian and PhD herbal scientist to ease a dog’s anxiety.

When is a good time to use Happy Traveler? Glad you asked! Happy Traveler is useful for separation anxiety, travel anxiety, social situations in new environments, during thunderstorms, fireworks, airline travel, visits to groomers, vets, and kennels.

There are no harmful side effects with Happy Traveler when used as directed; it is non-habit forming.

Happy Traveler soft chews and capsules are made with valerian (calms anxiety and lowers blood pressure), German chamomile (calming, mild sedative), L-tryptophan (stress relief), and St. Johns Wort (antidepressant, relieves anxiety).  It can be used on dogs 12 weeks and older.

The recommended usage for capsules:

Dogs up to 25 lbs- 1 capsule
Dogs up to 75 lbs- 2 capsules
Dogs over 75 lbs- 3 capsules

The recommended usage for chews:

Dogs up to 10 lbs- 1 soft chew
Dogs up to 30 lbs- 2-3 soft chews
Dogs up to 60 lbs- 3-4 soft chews
Dogs up to 80 lbs- 5-6 soft chews
Dogs 100 lbs and over begin with 7 chews – use additional soft chews as needed

Whether you have a big event to attend or a long road trip ahead of you, remember to give your pup Happy Traveler so he will be happy traveling by your side.

Click the Happy Traveler page to order the product.  Click our dog wellness page for more products to help your pooch.  

Ark Naturalsis the preeminent brand of health and wellness products for pets. Ark Naturals has created and produced highly effective formulas for over 20 years.  Our products are designed to offer natural remedies for an array of pet care needs including oral care (dental), joint relief, skin & coat remedies, cognitive function, calming, digestion, and overall wellness. All-natural products and revolutionary formulas provide a better, more fulfilling life for your pet.  


The post Stress Less: Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety with Happy Traveler appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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