Archive for June, 2018

Is Your Dog Experiencing Joint Pain?  

Posted by dzadmin 06 Jun 2018 No Comments »

Who’s the toughest member of your family? Probably your pup! Dogs are tough, especially when it comes to dealing with aches and pains. Here are a few signs to look for, so that you don’t let them suffer in silence.   

Has your dog been acting weird lately? Is he moving funny? Is he lazier than usual? Is he suddenly unable to jump on the couch with you? Does he seem sad? If so, he could be sore, stiff, and uncomfortable!  

Why is my dog in pain? 

Well, the cartilage in his joints may be thinning. Cartilage cells can die off, which results in inflammation in the joint and excessive fluid. If your pup is a bigger and heavier breed, he has a higher chance of joint issues.  But joint issues can affect any aging pet, much like our own aging process. 

How can I help my pup feel better? 

At Ark Naturals, we take pride in creating products that help keep our dogs happy and healthy, including joint products. Our joint products can help maintain joint mobility and function, and healthy cartilage and connective tissue in your dog. 

Our Gray Muzzle Old Dogs! Happy Joints! is a “senior friendly” bite-size soft chewable. This chew helps dogs with mobility, flexibility and discomfort because it’s made from ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin with the highest level of purity. The ingredients not only help with pain, but also in building synovial fluid that lubricates the joints and prevent cartilage from rubbing bone on bone. 

Ark Naturals also offers Sea Mobility Joint Rescue, which are soft chews (meat and meat-free flavors) that offer the same benefits as Old Dogs! Happy Joints!, but are designed for any dog (over 12 weeks old).  This tasty, treat-like squares have 100% daily requirement of 99.9% pure Glucosamine.  And the secret ingredient?  Sea Cucumber!  It’s highly concentrated with chondroitin and has numerous benefits including easing joint pain and fatigue.

Most dogs see visible improvement in a couple of weeks – sometimes less.  But it’s possible your pup’s pain is more serious.  Make an appointment with your veterinarian so he or she can determine the exact cause of your dog’s pain and the severity of the issue, because sometimes your dog’s pain just isn’t treatable at home.

Try to take note of your dog’s mobility throughout the year, so his problems don’t get wore, and let Ark Naturals come to the rescue to help make your dog’s joints happy again!  ] 

Click the dog joint products page to order these products.  And click our dog wellness page for more products to keep your pup perky.  

Ark Naturals is the preeminent brand of health and wellness products for pets. Ark Naturals has created and produced highly effective formulas for over 20 years.  Our products are designed to offer natural remedies for an array of pet care needs including oral care (dental), joint relief, skin & coat remedies, cognitive function, calming, digestion, and overall wellness. All-natural products and revolutionary formulas provide a better, more fulfilling life for your pet.

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