This Certificate Can Prove Your Dog Really Is a Good Boy

Puppy Anxiety: Calm Your Dog with Happy Traveler

Posted by dzadmin 14 Mar 2018 No Comments »
Puppy Anxiety: Calm Your Dog with Happy Traveler

Hate the feeling of being anxious and stressed? Your pup does too! Unlike you, your dog can’t sip on some warm tea, take a soothing bubble bath, pick up a book, take a yoga class, or talk to a therapist to release or lessen his anxiety. Just like stress can affect your daily life, dogs can have stress that negatively impact their life as well.

If you think your dog may be stressed, don’t ignore it! Ignoring symptoms of stress and anxiety in your dog will only make the problem worse. Stress and anxiety could also potentially be a sign of a bigger health issue, so you want to address this as soon as possible. Stress can also suppress a pet’s immune system, which can make them more prone to sickness and disease.

A pet’s life seems so great, so why would a dog be stressed?  There are a variety of things that can make a dog anxious. They can include fleas or worms, confinement, new surroundings, other animals in the home or at the park, loneliness, a change in daily routine or even riding in the car!

Along with talking with your vet, you can give your pet a natural, herbal calming product to help your dog relax. Ark Naturals offers Happy Traveler capsules and soft chews for dogs. This product was developed by a holistic veterinarian and PhD herbal scientist to ease anxiety and motion sickness.

Happy Traveler is formulated with the highest quality botanicals. It contains valerian, chamomile, L-Tryptophan, and St. Johns Wart.  In dogs, chamomile gives mild sedative effects to the digestive system. Valerian is a popular anti-anxiety herb which helps soothe. L-Tryptophan is an amino acid that works in the brain to support stress response and acts as a mood booster in the dog; it supports your dog’s well being by regulating stress and anxiety in the brain. St. John’s Wort is an herb that helps dogs that suffer from anxiety disorders, like separation anxiety, and various aggressive disorders.

Whether your dog has separation anxiety, travel anxiety, nervous when socializing or nervous around loud noises (fireworks, thunderstorms), Happy Traveler is useful. You can purchase Happy Traveler here.

For more dog wellness dog products, click here.

Ark Naturals is the preeminent brand of health and wellness products for pets. Ark Naturals has created and produced highly effective formulas for over 20 years.  Our products are designed to offer natural remedies for an array of pet care needs including oral care (dental), joint relief, skin & coat remedies, cognitive function, calming, digestion, and overall wellness. All-natural products and revolutionary formulas provide a better, more fulfilling life for your pet.

The post Puppy Anxiety: Calm Your Dog with Happy Traveler appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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Brush Up: Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

Posted by dzadmin 12 Mar 2018 No Comments »
Brush Up: Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

Twice a day, just like mom! Just like you, your pup’s oral hygiene is important! This is one aspect of a dog’s health that often gets overlooked, but it is crucial to his overall health.

Thankfully, there are ways you can take care of your dog’s teeth throughout his life to help prevent him from developing a serious health complication. Although not all dental issues can be prevented, there is a lot you can do to keep your dog’s teeth clean.

At Ark Naturals, we take pride in creating products that help keep our pets happy and healthy. Below, we wanted to share some tips on how you can keep your dog’s teeth clean.

  1. Get Dental Check Ups and Cleanings at the Vet

Set up a professional dental cleaning appointment and check in with your vet. Not only with the vet clean your dog’s teeth, but he or she will check for dental issues. Let you vet know everything you are doing and using on your dog’s teeth.

  1. Use Dog Dental Products

Your dog can care for his own teeth easily with a dog chewable treat or dental product. At Ark Naturals, we have a few products that reduce plaque and tart build up. These products end hand brushing, helps end bad breath, reduces stains on teeth, and reduces bacteria tartar and plaque.

                Breath-Less Chewable Brushless-ToothpasteThis is a dental chew for your dog. It’s a patented toothpaste for plaque, tartar and bacteria control.

                Breath-Less Plaque-ZapperThis is a natural dental product that you just add to water. It helps prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar, and bad breath.

                Gray Muzzle Brushless ToothpasteThese are “senior-friendly” dental chewables. They also help control plaque and tarter. They have dentally-helpful ingredients formulated for older dogs, especially dogs with gum tenderness and/or missing teeth. 

Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean with Ark Naturals

Pay attention to your dog’s teeth regularly so you can catch any problems that are developing early on. If your dog has bad breath, bleeding gums, inflamed gums, difficult chewing, or paws at his mouth, these are all signs that something could be wrong. Remember, vet checkups are important, and talking with you vet about any dental and health decisions regarding your pet is essential to his or her health.

Click here to view and purchase of our dental products for dogs. For other wellness dog products, click here.

Ark Naturals is the preeminent brand of health and wellness products for pets. Ark Naturals has created and produced highly effective formulas for over 20 years.  Our products are designed to offer natural remedies for an array of pet care needs including oral care (dental), joint relief, skin & coat remedies, cognitive function, calming, digestion, and overall wellness. All-natural products and revolutionary formulas provide a better, more fulfilling life for your pet.


The post Brush Up: Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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