This Certificate Can Prove Your Dog Really Is a Good Boy

Fun Feline Facts That You May Not Know

Posted by dzadmin 14 Nov 2017 No Comments »

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it’s certainly alright for you to be curious about felines! Cats are complex creatures – one second they’re cuddly and friendly and at the drop of a hat they’re ignoring you or attacking your ankles. Despite their colorful attitudes (which are very human-like), cats love their owners as much as we love them (they just express their love in unique ways).

Cats have been adored by humans for centuries. In Ancient Egypt, cats were great companions and they were even worshiped as mythical symbols of divinity. From that time until now, people have treated cats like family members. But, how much do you know about cats?

For this article, we wanted to share with you some fun feline facts. We hope you learn a lot about your furry feline friend (not that you need any more reasons to love him or her more).

  • Cats are the most popular pet in America. They even beat out dogs! There are 88 million pet cats in this county.
  • A group of cats is called a clowder.
  • Think you sleep a lot? Think again! Cats sleep for 70 percent of their lives.
  • You’ve probably noticed your cat’s ears twitch and move a lot – this is because cats have more than 20 muscles that control their ears.
  • The World Record for the longest cat is 48.5 inches long.
  • It’s believed that cats have been domesticated since 3600 B.C., which is 2,000 years before the Egyptians owned cats.
  • A cat’s purr can mean different things including: contentment, nervousness, and self-healing.
  • Cats DO recognize their humans’ voices.
  • Many cats are lactose intolerant, so giving them milk is a bad idea.
  • A cat’s brain is 90 percent similar to a human’s brain.
  • Cats cannot taste sweet things.
  • Like a human’s fingerprint, a cat’s nose is unique, like a nose print!
  • Female cats are mainly right handed, while male cats are mainly left handed.
  • Cats use their whiskers to determine if they can fit through a space or not.
  • A cat can jump six times its length.
  • Cats sweat through their foot pads.

Ark Naturals makes natural products that allow pets to enjoy a better quality of life, which helps owners feel rest assured that they have cared for their pets in the best way possibly by choosing natural alternatives for dental, joint, grooming, calming, skin, digestion, and overall wellness care.

The post Fun Feline Facts That You May Not Know appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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Baby Alert: Introducing Your Pet to a New Baby

Posted by dzadmin 30 Oct 2017 No Comments »

Congratulations! You’re about to (or just did) welcome a new bundle of joy into your life. This is an exciting (and potentially nerve-racking) time for you and your family, including your dog and/or cat. Pets are smart. Between your changing moods and all the new baby furniture in the house, they know something is up. However, your dog or cat still doesn’t “get” that a little baby infant will be making his or her debut in the home. If not properly prepared, some dogs and cats won’t know how to react around a little human. Some dogs may be accidently too rough. Some cats may be jealous and potentially hurt the baby. To avoid a bad situation, it’s best to prepare your furry friends for a new arrival. Even if you have the sweetest puppy or kitty cat in the world, it doesn’t mean they will react positively to an infant.

Below, we wanted to share a few tips to prepare your dog and/or cat for the newest member of your family.  If you already have a pet and a baby is on the way, here are some guidelines:


  • Make sure your dog is fully trained (like house-broken or is trained in simple commands such as “no” and “sit” and “come here” and “put it down”, etc.). If not, now may be a good time to send him to obedience school so both you and your dog will know how to handle tough situations with little stress.
  • If your dog hasn’t been exposed to any real babies before, now is the time (if it’s possible). Reward him with a treat if he’s good around the baby. If he gets agitated, just remove him from the situation and try again another day. You may have to start with a larger distance between the pup and baby and slowly bring them together over time.
  • If you can be near a real baby, get your dog used to baby sounds so he won’t be anxious or bothered by them once the real baby arrives. If you can find recorded baby noises online or on CD, play these around your dog to practice keep him calm whether the baby is crying or talking.
  • Carry a baby doll around with you on occasion to mimic a real baby. Allow your dog to watch your cradling the doll and interacting with the doll. You can practice commands on your dog (stay, come, down) as you spend time with the doll, so the dog will respond properly once the real baby comes. Reward your pup with treats for obeying you and good behavior.
  • Make sure your dog is still getting proper exercise time post-baby arrival. You don’t want your pup to be over energetic or stressed because he feels cooped up.


  • Just like dogs, prepare your cat with baby sounds (crying, babbling, toy noises, mobile music), so your cat won’t become stressed when the real baby is here.
  • Let you cat smell all the new smells in the baby’s room, including baby powder and lotion so the cat gets comfortable and adjusts to the new scents in the home.
  • Cats are not fans of change. If you rearrange the nursery and bring in lots of new items, your cat will think “What’s going on?” and become stressed. Decorate and incorporate new furniture items slowly so your cat won’t be freaked out.
  • Cat’s function by schedules and consistency. The new baby will be a hectic time in your life, but try and keep your cat’s schedule (eating, play time, etc.) in order and on time. If her schedule is normal, your cat will be less stressed around you and the baby.

For both cats and dogs, pay attention to how they react and respond to the baby. Keep your eyes on them. Animals can be unpredictable and can try to swat or bite the baby at any time if they feel threatened (especially if the baby is flailing and screaming). Never leave the baby unattended with an animal (even if it’s a gentle animal). Something could go wrong and the baby could get hurt. If you are pregnant and are thinking of adding a pet, it’s best consider holding off for a bit.

By following these tips, you, your pup and your kitty cat should have a smooth transition in become one big happy family!


Ark Naturals makes natural products that allow pets to enjoy a better quality of life, which helps owners feel rest assured that they have cared for their pets in the best way possibly by choosing natural alternatives for dental, joint, grooming, calming, skin, digestion, and overall wellness care.

The post Baby Alert: Introducing Your Pet to a New Baby appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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