Posts Tagged With 'arknaturals'

Listen up: Clean Your Pup’s Ears with Ears All Right 

Posted by dzadmin 09 Apr 2018 No Comments »

A dog’s ears are pretty cute, especially when they’re floppy… but what’s even more amazing is how well he can hear out of those ears! Dogs can hear about four times better than humans! Wow! So, it’s extra important that we make sure they hear all right by using Ears All Right by Ark Naturals.

Next time you want to clean your pup’s ears, grab a bottle of Ears All Right. Ears All Right is a gentle ear cleaning lotion formulated by an herbal scientist using only premium botanicals. It works to break down and remove wax, dirt, and foreign debris. This formula helps heal and prevent infection from minor scratches and insect bites. It also helps relieves issues associated with yeast infections, excessive wax buildup, ear odor, and allergies.

To use Ears All Right:

  • Squeeze 5 to 10 drops directly into the ear canal.
  • Allow the product to soak in.
  • Attempt to clean ear with clean cotton ball.
  • Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week as needed.

Remember, do not use the same cotton ball or swab in each ear. For maintenance cleaning, squeeze the product onto a cotton ball and gently clean and swab ear and ear canal. Clean the ears internally and externally. It’s easy to use!

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Hair, Hair Everywhere: Reduce Your Dog’s Shedding with Don’t Shed On Me! 

Posted by dzadmin 06 Apr 2018 No Comments »

Dog hair everywhere?  When your pup jumps on you, do you often think, “Don’t Shed on me!”? Well, what if you had a product that was thinking AND doing the same thing? Grooming your dog can be easy…when he’s shedding less with Don’t Shed On Me!

Ark Naturals’ Don’t Shed On Me! helps reduce excessive shedding. Don’t Shed On Me! is super easy to use and smells fabulous. This formula is an anti-shed mist that helps reduce excessive shedding with natural botanicals. Regardless of why your dog is shedding, Don’t Shed On Me! will keep your dog’s hair where it belongs! So get ready to grab that brush and see less hair! You’ll love the results.

To use the product:

  • First, brush your dog (if he will let you) to remove the loose fur.
  • Shake the bottle well.
  • Spray mist onto your dog’s dry coat and massage down to the skin.
  • Brush the product through. (If your pet doesn’t like being brushed, the product will still go to work to provide immediate comfort for dry, itchy coats).

Don’t Shed On Me! should be used daily until shedding is under control. You can use weekly thereafter.

This formula is made with aloe vera gel (whole leaf), lactic acid (a gentle and naturally occurring alpha-hydroxy acid derived from milk), and humectants – all quality ingredients that are safe for you and your pup.

So whether your dog is experiencing shedding from stress or from a weather change, Don’t Shed On Me! Is your at-home grooming go-to. Help keep your house fur-free with Don’t Shed On Me!


Click the Don’t Shed On Me! page to order the product.  Click our dog wellness page for more products to help your pooch.

 Ark Naturals is the preeminent brand of health and wellness products for pets. Ark Naturals has created and produced highly effective formulas for over 20 years.  Our products are designed to offer natural remedies for an array of pet care needs including oral care (dental), joint relief, skin & coat remedies, cognitive function, calming, digestion, and overall wellness. All-natural products and revolutionary formulas provide a better, more fulfilling life for your pet. 

The post Hair, Hair Everywhere: Reduce Your Dog’s Shedding with Don’t Shed On Me!  appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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