Posts Tagged With 'bathroom grout'

Pass an Inspection with Grout Shield Grout Products

Posted by dzadmin 19 Aug 2019 No Comments »

Passing an inspection in any public place is essential for your business. If you fail, your business needs to shut down and you will lose money. When you work with the public, especially if you serve food, you need to make sure everything is clean. When appliances and floors and tools aren’t properly cleaned, germs and diseases can spread, and people can get sick.

Restaurant, hotel, park, and other public-place owners and managers must be very concerned of the cleanliness of their businesses, because they get inspected, unlike a private home. Not only do the inspectors care about the cleanliness of an establishment, the customers do too. Would you want to eat somewhere that had dirty floors? Stains? Spills? Rats? Probably not.

For this article, we wanted to discuss tile floors in public places, whether it’s in the dining area, the entrance, or in the kitchen. These areas receive a lot of foot traffic;

Despite scrubbing and moping away, the tile can become dull and the grout will become darker over time due to splatters, spills, and dirt. When food, water, or dirt meets grout, grout acts like a sponge and it absorbs anything. Your beautiful white grout could now look very brown or black. The solution? A proper and safe tile and grout cleaner and sealer can help your restaurant’s tiles and grout look pristine year-round.

With Grout Shield grout cleaners and grout sealers, you can finally remove all the dirt and stains from the tile and seal them, so it will be harder for them to become dirty. You will have an easier time maintaining your floors and grout throughout the year. No more scrubbing for hours! Your employees can spend more time doing other things besides scrubbing or mopping the floor.

By using Grout Shield’s products, your business will be able to pass the sanitary standards, so you won’t risk paying a fine, losing customers, or even shutting down.

Here are some Grout Shield’s products that can help your business get clean and pass an inspection.


Grout Shield Color Sealer – This product allows business owners/staff to match or change the color of the existing grout without having to remove any of the grout. You can choose any color grout. It also protects the grout from absorbing dirt or liquid, since it is sealed. You can change the whole look of a room with a grout color change!


Grout Shield Maintenance Cleaner – If your restaurant floor grout is dirty, this cleaner is what you need for the job. Dilute the cleaner in water, damp your mop and towel dry.


Grout Shield Restoration Kit – For business owners, this may be your best bet. This kit is the best way to fully restore a floor. Grout Shield offers seven different package kits to help restore the look of grout. Each kit’s contents vary depending of the size floor you intend to clean. The kits include: cleaner, sealant, colors, chamois, brushes, and instructions.


Although you need more than a clean floor to pass a restaurant health inspection, Grout Shield products can clean and restore your grout and have them look like new again. For more information on Grout Shield products, click our grout cleaning product page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.


The post Pass an Inspection with Grout Shield Grout Products appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

How to Remove Marker from Grout

Posted by dzadmin 16 Aug 2019 No Comments »


Kids love to draw and paint, which is wonderful, but what isn’t so wonderful is when markers and paint get onto our countertops and floors. Markers and paint can easily stain tile and grout, and they can also be difficult to remove from household surfaces.

If your child accidently spills paint on the floor or colors on the floor, don’t worry! Our team at Grout Shield can help you get rid of that colored stain for good. You’ll never know it was there!

In most homes, grout is white or a lighter color, which means it can easily show markers and paint, which come in all sorts of colors. Since it is porous, grout will absorb all the pigments of the art supplies. Both dark and light markers stain easily and grout can be difficult to clean, so this is a bad combination. With the right grout cleaning and sealing products, it will look like the marker stains never happened.

Most DIY cleaning articles may tell you to clean up the markers and/or paint with bleach, ammonia or white vinegar. These chemicals may work, but they also aren’t really cleaning the grout, and many of these chemicals can actually cause the grout to crack or break.

To remove the marker or paint, you want to first blot the area dry with a clean cloth. Wipe the area clean. You may notice your grout is stained a brownish tint now from the soy sauce or other dark condiment sauce. To remove the dark marker and paint stain, you will want to use Grout Shield’s Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner, which cleans and lifts deep and hard-to-clean stains out of the grout’s pores.

To use this cleaner, mix 1 ounce of the cleaner with 8 ounces of warm water. Then, brush the cleaner into the grout with a brush applicator. Let the mixture sit into the grout lines for a few minutes. Then, wipe away the cleaner with a sponge and towel dry the floor. The discoloration will be gone.

Now, if the paint or marker color still won’t fully go away, you can make the grout color look like new again with Grout Shield’s color sealer. You just squeeze the sealer into the grout lines. Then, spread it into the grout lines with a brush applicator or your finger and wipe away the excess with a towel or chamois. You can choose any color in the world to recolor your grout. Check out our grout colors.

If you don’t need to recolor your grout, you should seal it to protect it from future art projects and splatters and other stains. Grout Shield also offers clear grout sealer, which will protect your grout.

Check out the video below to see how easy it is to use and apply Grout Shield’s Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner and the color sealer.




Our cleaners and sealers are simple to use and apply. We guarantee your marker and paint stains will be gone! You don’t’ have to worry when your kids are doing an art project! For more information on Grout Shield products, click our grout cleaning product page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post How to Remove Marker from Grout appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.


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