Posts Tagged With 'dog dental products'


Posted by dzadmin 26 Jul 2017 No Comments »

How much do you know about your dog’s teeth? Well, let’s get serious, how much do you even know about your own teeth? Not much?  You should, since those pearly whites in your mouth not only look great in photos, but they make it so you can enjoy your favorite foods! It’s important you care about them, whether it’s your own set or your dog’s.


Below, we wanted to share some fun facts about your dog’s teeth that you may not know:

  • Dogs have 42 permanent teeth and puppies has 28 teeth.
  • By age 3, 80 percent of dogs show signs of gum disease
  • Small dogs have a bigger chance of developing periodontal disease than larger dogs.
  • Dogs, who spend a lot of time outdoors, are known to break teeth often from carrying objects in their mouths.
  • Dogs don’t usually get cavities, because they don’t consume sugar like humans do, and the surfaces of their teeth are different than ours. Dogs’ saliva also has a high pH, which helps prevent demineralization in the teeth
  • A dog dental visit is just like a human’s; the vet will give them an exam, a cleaning and x-rays.
  • Like humans, a dog can have extra teeth and need them removed.



First and foremost, it’s essential you bring your dog in regularly to get a dental check in with the vet. Once a year is usually enough for a professional checkup, but some breeds need more visits. It truly is essential to bring your dog in for teeth cleanings by a vet. Otherwise, you run the risk of your dog developing a periodontal disease that can cause him pain, destroy the teeth, gums, and bones, and even cause damage to other parts of the body. If your dog has extremely bad breath, irritated gums, is reluctant to eat, or has bumps in the mouth, you should get him checked out by a vet to rule out anything serious.


In between dental visits, there’s plenty you can do to prevent plaque and tartar build up throughout the year. You can brush your dog’s teeth with a special dog toothbrush and toothpaste, use a special dental oral rinse, or use dental chews and water additives.


Ark Naturals and Gray Muzzle offer a few different dental products for dogs.


  • Breath-Less Chewable Brushless Toothpaste – These are natural dental chews for dogs that help keep plaque, tartar, and bacteria under control. These also help reduce bad breath and stained teeth. No brushing needed!
  • Breath-Less Plaque Zapper – This is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless natural water additive that helps prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar, and bad breath.
  • Brushless Toothpaste – This is a natural, senior-friendly dental chewable that helps control plaque, bad breath and tartar. This is also good for dogs with tender gums or missing teeth.


Your dog’s dental health is just as important as yours! With the proper dental care, you can keep your dog smiling and pain free all year round. For more dog wellness products, visit Ark Naturals’ Dog page. Ark Naturals takes pride in creating products that promote pet health so they can live healthier and happier lives.

Tips for Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

Posted by dzadmin 02 Jun 2017 No Comments »
Tips for Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

Just like you, your pup’s oral hygiene is important! This is one aspect of a dog’s health that often gets overlooked, but it is crucial to his overall health.  By the age of 3, 80 percent of dogs show signs of gum disease. Bacteria in a dog’s mouth can cause bad breath, painful teeth, abscesses, and even lead to jaw, heart, kidney, and liver complications.

Thankfully, there are ways you can take care of your dog’s teeth throughout his life to help prevent him from developing a serious health complication. Although not all dental issues can be prevented, there is a lot you can do to keep your dog’s teeth clean.

At Ark Naturals, we take pride in creating products that help keep our pets happy and healthy. Below, we wanted to share some tips on how you can keep your dog’s teeth clean.

  1. Get Dental Check Ups and Cleanings at the Vet

Set up a professional dental cleaning appointment and check in with your vet. Not only with the vet clean your dog’s teeth, but he or she will check for dental issues. The vet does know best, and is experienced in this area.  Let you vet know everything you are doing and using on your dog’s teeth like dog dental products, bones, and toys.

  1. Use Dog Dental Products

Your dog can take care of his own teeth easily with a dog chewable treat or dental product. At Ark Naturals, we have a few products that reduce plaque and tart build up.

                Breath-Less Chewable Brushless-ToothpasteThis is a dental chew for your dog. It’s a patented toothpaste for plaque, tartar and bacteria control.

                Breath-Less Plaque-ZapperThis is a natural dental product that you just add to water. It helps prevent dental decay, plaque, tartar, and bad breath.

                Gray Muzzle Brushless ToothpasteThese are “senior-friendly” dental chewables. They also help control plaque and tarter. They have dentally-helpful ingredients formulated for older dogs, especially dogs with gum tenderness and/or missing teeth.

  1. Purchase a Dog Chew Bone or Toy

Many dog bones and dog chew toys can help strengthen your dog’s teeth and gums. The chewing on the bones and toys help get rid of buildup on teeth.

Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean with Ark Naturals

Pay attention to your dog’s teeth regularly so you can catch any problems that are developing early on. If your dog has bad breath, bleeding gums, inflamed gums, difficult chewing, or paws at his mouth, these are all signs there is something wrong. Remember, vet checkups are important, and talking with you vet about any dental and health decisions regarding your pet is essential to his or her health.

At Ark Naturals, we take pride in creating products that promote pet health so they can live longer and healthier lives. Click the Dog Dental Products page to view and purchase of our dental products for dogs. For other wellness dog products, click  the Dog Wellness Products page.


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