Posts Tagged With 'grout restoration'

How to Clean Hot Sauce Out of Grout

Posted by dzadmin 02 Oct 2019 No Comments »

From food to drinks, the kitchen is a messy area. Spills happen. You can drop a bottle or miss your plate. One condiment that is known for its stains is hot sauce. Not only is hot sauce spicy, it’s (usually) bright red, which can easily stain clothing, furniture, tile and grout. Hot sauce isn’t so hard to clean up and wipe off tiles, but it can be hard to clean out of grout because it absorbs into the grout lines.

Since grout is porous and usually light-colored, it will easily absorb the dark color of hot sauce and become discolored. With the right grout cleaning and sealing products, you can clean up the hot sauce and it will look like the spill never happened. Remember, you want to clean up spills immediately, so the stain is easier to clean up.

Our team at Grout Shield can help you get rid of hot sauce stains in grout for good. You’ll never know it was there! Hot sauce stains (or any stain) in your grout can make your home and grout look old and dirty, even if you clean it regularly.

Besides getting rid of the discoloration, Grout Shield products also rid the grout of bacteria and other harmful germs that get absorbed into the grout lines over time.

Most home-cleaning products and articles may tell you to clean up the stains with bleach, ammonia or white vinegar. Sure, these chemicals and products may work, but they also aren’t really cleaning the grout, and many of these chemicals can harm the grout and cause it to crack or break.

To remove the hot sauce, you will want to use Grout Shield’s Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner, which cleans and lifts deep and hard-to-clean stains out of the grout’s pores.

To use this cleaner, mix 1 ounce of the cleaner with 8 ounces of warm water. Then, brush the cleaner into the grout with a brush applicator. Let the mixture sit into the grout lines for a few minutes. Then, wipe away the cleaner with a sponge and towel dry the floor. The hot sauce stain will be gone.

Now, if the hot sauce stain still won’t fully disappear, you can make the grout color look like new again with Grout Shield’s color sealer. You just squeeze the sealer into the grout lines. Then, spread it into the grout lines with a brush applicator or your finger and wipe away the excess with a towel or chamois. You can choose any color in the world to recolor your grout. Check out our grout colors.

If you don’t need to recolor your grout, you should seal it with a clear grout sealer after cleaning it, to protect it from future spills and accidents. Next time rust spreads into your grout, the sealer will prevent the hot sauce  from seeping into the grout lines, and you can clean up the sauce with no stains left behind.

Check out the video below to see how easy it is to use and apply Grout Shield’s Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner and the color sealer.

Our cleaners and sealers are simple to use and apply. We guarantee the hot sauce will be gone! Your kitchen will look clean and refreshed, and you can enjoy hot sauce without worrying about staining your kitchen ever again! For more information on Grout Shield products, click our grout cleaning product page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post How to Clean Hot Sauce Out of Grout appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

How Do You Clean Grout Properly?

Posted by dzadmin 01 Oct 2019 No Comments »

Grout can get dirty quick if you don’t properly care for it or seal it. Also, there are many ways to incorrectly clean your grout. If your grout wasn’t sealed, your grout will look dirty, making your entire room or home look old and grimy.

With the wrong cleaners, even if you thoroughly wash and scrub grout, it still can look like you haven’t cleaned the area in years! Cleaning grout can be a pain. There is a lot of information out there about how to clean grout. Unfortunately, much of this information is misleading or just aren’t effective. Below, we will share with you some ineffective, but commonly suggested, grout cleaning products and tips, and what you should be using instead. With the right products and methods, cleaning grout can be easier than ever.

Bleach – Bleach is often suggested as a cleaning solution for discolored or dirty grout. Although bleach can lighten the grout, it usually is only a temporary fix, and usually only works with white or light-colored grout lines. Especially in the bathroom, mold and mildew will easily return to the area, despite using bleach. Bleach can damage the grout and doesn’t actually clean the area.

Vinegar – Using water and vinegar can work on cleaning the grout, it can take a long time to scrub the grout clean. Although the vinegar works, it can also damage the grout.

Since you don’t want to damage your grout, what is best grout cleaner product to use?

Grout Shield sells grout cleaners that safely removes excess dirt or grease from the grout surface, as well as any previously applied grout sealer. The cleaner bonds to the grout. Grout Shield cleaners, like Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner, are neutral pH-cleaners that are non-combustible and fast-acting. After brushing the Grout Shield cleaner into the grout and letting the mixture sit for a few minutes, you are then able to easily wipe it away with a sponge. The grout will be clean as new.

To prevent this level of dirtiness from occurring again, it’s best to seal your grout after cleaning it. Grout Shield also offers clear grout sealer and color grout sealer to protect your grout from future stains.

To learn more about cleaning your grout or to purchase Grout Shield products, click our grout cleaners page or call 1-800-631-0716.


The post How Do You Clean Grout Properly? appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.


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