Posts Tagged With 'grout sealer'

How to Keep Grout Clean with Pets Around

Posted by dzadmin 24 Jul 2019 No Comments »

Pets are part of people’s lives. Besides homes, pets are being welcomed in more establishments, especially pets who help those with disabilities or support. Pets can easily drag dirt, fur, and germs wherever they go. Sometimes, pets even have an accident on the floor. Pets can easily dirty or wreck a floor.

If you need to restore a floor that has been dirtied by pets, you can do it on the cheap with quality grout cleaning and grout sealing products. With the right grout restoration products, you won’t even know a pet has walked through the room!

Normal cleaning products cannot easily remove dirt from grout. Dirt, spills, urine, and liquids can seep into porous grout lines. Grout Shield offers many products that remove dirt and liquids that have deeply penetrated the grout lines, including pet urine. If pet urine isn’t cleaned up immediately, it can seep deep into the grout lines, which means your home or business may smell bad even after you clean the floor. If your grout isn’t properly cleaned, you can also have lots of bacteria and other germs in the grout lines.

By using Grout Shield’s products, your grout lines will go from dark and grimy to bright and clean. Dirty grout isn’t just unsightly, it is also unsanitary. If dirt and urine stay in grout lines, bacteria will grow making it unhealthy for you and your loved ones to walk on.

Grout Shield Grout and Tile Cleaner will remove all dirt and stains from the grout. Use a mop to distribute the cleaner and allow the formula to saturate into the grout for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, scrub the area with a grout or bristle brush, followed by using a clean rag to wipe away any remaining cleaner.

Pet accidents happen. Pets drag in dirt. It’s life! The best way to keep your floor and grout looking great is to seal your grout.

Grout Shield’s Clear Sealer or Color Sealer protects the grout. The color sealer allows you to change the color of the grout to any color you want. The sealer will keep anything from absorbing into the grout.

If you are looking for an easy way to restore your grout and floors from a pet’s messes without spending a fortune, purchase Grout Shield grout cleaners and sealers. To learn more about or to purchase Grout Shield’s products, click our grout restoration products  page or call 1-800-631-0716.

The post How to Keep Grout Clean with Pets Around appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

How to Use Grout Shield Grout Cleaners

Posted by dzadmin 23 Jul 2019 No Comments »

Grout can be very hard to clean if you don’t have the proper grout cleaner. Soap and water usually can’t do the job, and your grout can remain looking dirty even after you’ve mopped or scrubbed.

With the right grout products, you can make cleaning your tile and grout a faster and stress-free process. Grout Shield provides quality tile and grout cleaners and sealers that have been helping people and businesses get grime, dirt, and germs out of their grout!

Below, we’ve shared descriptions of two of our cleaner products, and how to use them.  The instructions will help you easily clean away the dirty grout that you haven’t been able to get rid of all these years.

Before using any grout cleaner product: Sweep the area to make sure any loose debris is gone. A mop is recommended for cleaning.

Grout Shield Maintenance Cleaner – This is a neutral pH-cleaner that helps grout lines become renewed and clean. It is a non-combustible, fast-acting concentrate.

To use: 1. Dilute in water. The dilution rate is 2 oz. to 1 gallon of water. 2. Apply to the surface with a damp mop or sponge. During application, the cleaner will start to dissolve grease, dirt, and oil. Keep product on grout for 10-15 minutes. 3. Towel dry the area.

The maintenance cleaner comes in different sizes, depending on the size of the room/surface/building you’re cleaning.

Grout Shield Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner – This grout cleaner is great for tough and deep stains. This product lifts dirt out from the pores of the grout.

To use: 1. Mix 1 oz of the deep cleaner with 8 oz of warm water. 2. Brush into the grout. 3. Let the mixture sit on your grout for 10 to 15 minutes. 4. Wipe clean with a sponge.

Watch the video below to see how to clean dirty grout with our products:

Purchase Grout Shield Cleaners

Whether there’s minor dirt or years of grime deep in the grout lines, Grout Shield’s cleaners can lift up any oil, dirt, liquid, debris, or grease that’s sitting on or in the grout.

Grout Shield’s cleaners come in a variety of supply sizes that work well for both homes, cleaning companies, hotels, parks, and more.

The products are easy to use, and don’t require tireless scrubbing for hours. To learn more about Grout Shield’s cleaners or to purchase our products, grout cleaner page or call 1-800-631-0716 with any questions.

The post How to Use Grout Shield Grout Cleaners appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.


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