Posts Tagged With 'kitchen grout product'

Make Money While Staying at Home During COVID-19 Outbreak 

Posted by dzadmin 02 Apr 2020 No Comments »

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has turned our world upside side the last few months. Businesses and schools have closed. Restaurants shut down their dining areas for takeout or delivery only. Major retailers have closed. People have lost jobs.  

These are uncertain times and people are experiencing emotional and financial distress, especially since many states have ordered “stay at home” for the foreseeable future.  

For those of you who have lost your job permanently or who’s job (and paychecks) were put on pause during this outbreak,  we have a way for you to make some extra money to help you during this rough time. Partner with Grout Shield as an affiliate. You will be able to make money from the safety of your home.   

As a Grout Shield Affiliate, you can make money by promoting Grout Shield’s grout restoration products. For every Grout Shield order that you help get purchased, you will receive 10% commission per order (excluding shipping).  

It’s easy and FREE to join the Grout Shield Affiliate Program. To join, just send us basic information about you and your company, so we can see if you’re the right fit for working with us. Being a Grout Shield affiliate is a great opportunity for those who enjoy promoting, talking about, and using cleaning products, home improvement ideas, DIY projects, and other topics in that genre.  

If you are a right fit and accepted into the affiliate program, we will train you with all the proper information to make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful as an affiliate.   

As an affiliate, you will be provided with a unique coupon tracking code that is tied to your account. You can share this with as many individuals as you like, as often as you like.  You can place it on your website, social media pages, blog, YouTube, email list, and more.   

In your promotions, you will tell the user to use a specific coupon code at check out.  If someone purchases a Grout Shield product with your individual coupon code, you’ll earn a commission for that sale.  

People can use your code 24/7, even when you’re not doing work, which is what makes this an easy way to earn cash while stuck at home.  

Here are some benefits to becoming a Grout Shield Affiliate:  

  1. You have another stream of revenue.  
  1. You aren’t producing a product to sell.  
  1. You don’t handle customer service. We handle that!  
  1. You aren’t designing a website or creating sales copy for the product.  
  1. You don’t handle the sales process.  
  1. You don’t have to be an expert. Our team will answer questions about the grout products.  
  1. You don’t have to deliver the products or deal with returns.  

Sign up now at your chance to try and make money during a time where you may be financially struggling.  

Join our Grout Shield Affiliate program today to put money in your pockets with the leading Grout Shield Distributor in the country. As an affiliate, you are simply giving yourself a new way to make money including Grout Shield’s products and content in your own emails, blog, social posts, and more.   

For more information on Grout Shield’s affiliate program, grout products or to purchase Grout Shield products, click our grout products page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716. 


The post Make Money While Staying at Home During COVID-19 Outbreak  appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

How to Get Alcohol out of Grout with Grout Cleaner

Posted by dzadmin 26 Mar 2020 No Comments »

Whether you’re hosting a party or event, having a drink with dinner or own a restaurant or bar, there’s a good chance someone at some point will spill their alcoholic beverage. Although many alcoholic beverages are clear, many are dark colored or become dark when mixed with juice or other types of drinks. Unfortunately, alcohol can easily stain lots of things in a home or business, including grout.

Alcohol can be hard to get out of grout lines, because alcohol will quickly absorb into the grout lines due to grout being porous. After spilling an alcoholic beverage into grout lines, you may see a discoloration left behind, whether it’s red or brown, which is likely NOT the color of your grout.

Since grout is porous and usually light-colored, it will easily absorb the dark color of the alcohol and become discolored. With the right grout cleaning and grout sealing products, you can clean up the drink and it will look like the stain was never there. Remember, if someone spills a drink, you want to clean it up fast, so it takes less time to stain and clean.

Our team at Grout Shield can help you get rid of drink stains in grout, whether new or old. An alcoholic drink stain in your grout can make your home or business look old and dirty, even if you clean it regularly.

Besides getting rid of the drink discoloration, Grout Shield grout cleaning products also rid the grout of any bacteria and other harmful germs that could be absorbed into the grout lines over time, which you don’t want. These germs can get you or guests sick.

Most home-cleaning products like bleach, ammonia or white vinegar may get rid of the grout stain (eventually), but they really are not cleaning the grout. They also will take you a long time of scrubbing to remove the stain (if at all). Many chemicals in ordinary household cleaners are harsh on the grout and can actually cause the grout to crack or break. Grout Shield’s grout products are safe and pH-balanced.

To remove alcohol stains, you want to first blot the area dry with a clean cloth. Wipe the area clean of the alcohol. To remove the drink stain, you will want to use Grout Shield’s Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner, which cleans and lifts deep and hard-to-clean stains out of the grout’s pores.

To use this grout cleaner, mix 1 ounce of the cleaner with 8 ounces of warm water. Then, brush the cleaner into the grout with a brush applicator. Let the mixture sit into the grout lines for a few minutes. Wipe away the cleaner with a sponge and towel dry the floor. The drink stain will be gone.

Now, if the stain still won’t fully disappear, you can make the grout color look like new again with Grout Shield’s color sealer. You just squeeze the color sealer into the grout lines. Then, spread it into the grout lines with a brush applicator or your finger and wipe away the excess with a towel or chamois. This newly applied color will cover the alcohol discoloration. We can match and make any color you want for your grout lines. Check out all our grout colors. A new grout color can transform the look of a room or space.

Always seal your grout. If you don’t need to recolor your grout, seal your grout with a clear grout sealer after cleaning it. Next time any drink lands on your grout, the grout sealer will prevent the drink from seeping into the grout lines. You will be able to easily wipe the drink right up with no stain left behind.

Check out the video below to see how easy it is to use and apply Grout Shield’s Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner and the color sealer.

Our grout cleaners and sealers are simple to use and apply. We guarantee the alcohol stain will be gone! Your home or business will look like new! For more information on Grout Shield grout products, click our grout cleaner page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post How to Get Alcohol out of Grout with Grout Cleaner appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.


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