Posts Tagged With 'Marco Island tree trimming'

Can The Sun Hurt My Trees?

Posted by dzadmin 03 Mar 2018 No Comments »

Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Just like humans, too much sun can be bad for trees, as well. Sounds silly, right? We all know trees need sunlight to grow and thrive, but too much sunlight can actually harm a tree.

A tree can get a “sunburn” just like you; there’s potential for the sun to cause permanent damage or even death in a tree. When a tree receives too much sunlight, it can develop sunscald. Sunscald damages the outer layer of the tree. A tree can develop spots and lesions, which can allow for other diseases to enter the tree. The bark, leaves, and fruit can be affected by too much sun. If a tree is really damaged by sunscald, the bark is affected to the point that the inner tissues of the tree are exposed. At this stage, it may not be possible for the tree to heal and survive.

Young trees and trees with thinner bark are more prone to getting sunscald. Sunscald makes it easier for fungi, bacteria, and insects to infest a tree. If a tree can no longer protect itself from such outside forces, the tree will decline, get sick, and even possibly die. There is no way to reverse sunscald, so your best bet is to prevent it from happening.

Can you protect a tree from sunscald? Yes, you can!. First off, you want to work with tree professionals to make sure the trees you currently have or want are appropriate for the climate you live in. You also want to make sure your trees are planted correctly for their needs.

You can protect your tree by finding ways to block or limit the sunlight with awnings or cloth wrappings for the trunks. You also do not want to over-trim a tree, because the branches and leaves help hide the tree from the sunlight. Plant trees in areas where they will get shade for part of the day. Make sure your trees are always getting enough water and fertilizer.

If you’re looking to protect your trees from sunscald or worried one of your trees may be affected by sunscald, call our certified team of tree experts to come out and assess the damage of your trees. We can let you know how much damage has occurred, and what you can do to prevent more damage from occurring.

If you want new trees planted, we can help you plan where the best place to plant the trees would be on your property to keep them safe from the sun’s rays.

Tree Care During the Dry Season or Drought

Posted by dzadmin 02 Mar 2018 No Comments »

In Florida, it’s the dry season. In the past few years fires have popped up across the state due to the drought.

For this article, our tree professionals at Fortune’s Lawncare Services wanted to share with you some brief tips about proper tree care during a dry season or drought.

Older trees can withstand drier conditions than younger or newly planted trees. These younger or new trees can become weak and even die from lack of water.

How can you tell if your trees are suffering from a drought? No matter the tree’s age, usually a tree will first show signs of stress in the top of its canopy as more leaves fall off, wilt, or turn colors. If you are in the middle of a drought, water the trees before you notice any stress/damage to them. Watering them twice a week is good. However, if your town has water bans, you may not be able to do this. Do not put fertilizer on them, as this actually takes water away from the roots. Don’t trim branches during a drought. The tree needs to focus on conserving water and energy, not re-growing itself. During a drought, move mulch away from a tree; mulch absorbs a lot of water, and you’d rather the tree taking in this water than the mulch.

Although you can take care of trees yourself during a drought, it’s in your best interest to get the opinion of a certified tree professional. You don’t want to overwater trees or make any other decisions that actually may bring more harm than good to the plants. By having a professional tree specialist come to your property, he or she can tell you what you need to do to protect your plants (if anything) during the dry season, so you don’t lose any trees.

Work with us at Fortune’s Lawn Care Services to help protect and save your trees! Our mission is to provide reliable and affordable landscaping maintenance. Our tree team at Fortune’s Lawn Care Services are licensed, insured professionals who know how to properly manage and handle the job, whether big or small. We are based in Marco Island, Florida, and service customers in Marco Island and the Isles of Capri in Naples, Florida. Contact us at 239-438-7070 or click here to set up an appointment with one of our tree specialists.


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