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How to Train Your Dog to Fetch

Posted by dzadmin 26 Jan 2018 No Comments »

This article originally appeared on

Despite what some people might believe, most dogs weren’t born knowing how to play fetch. “It’s not complicated, but there are some guidelines in the beginning to help with how to teach a dog to fetch,” says Eric Pliner, owner and trainer at Dog Training with Eric in Denver, CO.

The tricky part when it comes to how to teach a dog to fetch is actually the return part. “Dogs will naturally chase a ball or stick, but the return part is the hard part for some dogs,” says Pliner. “Many want to play the game of chase instead of returning the ball to continue the game of fetch.”

Steps to Train Your Dog to Fetch

“I break this down because each step is a teaching moment, and requires your dog to think,” explains Pliner. “When a dog thinks, it releases more energy, and the dog gets tired out more quickly.”

  1. Throw and Chase

    Most dogs will do this naturally, says Pliner. Some dogs may not understand what a ball is yet, however, so you have to introduce it to them. “Get your energy up; be excited about the ball,” suggests Pliner. “Bounce it so it doesn’t go too far above eye level for your dog so he doesn’t lose site of it. Also roll it around in front of him at different speeds, but don’t let it go too far away.” The key here, says Pliner, is to keep the ball within his reach so he doesn’t lose interest.

    Using a fun product like the KONG AirDog Squeakair ball, the Chuckit! Classic Launcher, the KONG Squeakair Birthday Balls Dog Toy or thePlanet Dog Orbee-Tuff Fetch Ball with Rope could help keep your pup interested, as well. Try out a couple different products and see which one gets her the most excited and engaged.

  2. Return the Ball

    When it comes to how to teach a dog to fetch, Pliner says this part requires patience and practice. “In the beginning, I suggest throwing the ball in a short hallway, or any area that’s somewhat narrow, so that the dog has little chance to avoid you and start the chasing game,” explains Pliner. “This way, when you call your dog to return using an excited, positive voice, he will eventually come to you.” Use the same word to call your dog back to you every time, says Pliner. Always praise him and pat him when he obeys. If you’re using treats as an incentive, Honest Kitchen’s Smooches are the perfect bite-size treat for training.

  3. Drop It 

    Once your dog returns the ball to you, put your hand below his mouth with your palm facing up, and say the command, “Drop it.” “If he doesn’t understand, that’s okay,” says Pliner. “Simply hold the ball while in his mouth and repeat the command until he releases the ball. Don’t try to tug on it or pull it away from him.” If your dog runs away with the ball, try again. “This takes some patience and practice, but he will eventually get it,” explains Pliner. “Doing this exercise in a hallway first is key because he simply has nowhere else to go, and will figure out what you’re asking for quicker.”

  4. Wait for the Throw

    This isn’t necessarily required for the game, but Pliner likes to include it because it makes dogs concentrate and work for their reward of fetch. To teach it, once your dog drops the ball, have him sit and wait until either the ball is thrown or you release him from the sit after the ball is thrown.

Training your dog to play fetch is easy if you have a little patience and can follow these four steps. Don’t worry if your dog isn’t interested in the ball. Try a fun toy like the West Paw Design Zogoflex Zisc Dog Toy to achieve the same result. Fetch is a bonding experience for you and your dog. The most important thing is to stay patient and have fun!

Cheryl Lock
Cheryl Lock
Cheryl Lock is a writer and editor who lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband, daughter and cat, Penny. Her work has appeared in dozens of newspapers, magazines and websites. Cheryl has written about everything from pets and politics to parenting, travel and food. Find more of her work at, or follow her passion for travel on her blog at

Ark Naturals makes natural products that allow pets to enjoy a better quality of life, which helps owners feel rest assured that they have cared for their pets in the best way possibly by choosing natural alternatives for dental, joint, skin & coat, cognitive, calming, skin, digestion, and overall wellness care. 


The post How to Train Your Dog to Fetch appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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How to Protect a Dog’s Paws in the Winter

Posted by dzadmin 22 Jan 2018 No Comments »

This article originally appeared on

Keep Pet Paws Safe in the Wintertime

Playing fetch-the-snowball, romping through fluffy drifts and taking quiet walks during snowfalls are just some of the reasons why winter can be a wonderland of fun for you and your dog. But these activities can also wreak havoc on dog paws. “While pet pads are a lot more resilient than our feet, they do have their limits,” said Dr. Graham Brayshaw, DVM and director of animal services at the Animal Humane Society in Minnesota. Chemical de-icers, salt and ice can cause painful injuries to dog paws. If left untreated, it can lead to infections and severe pain, requiring medications or even surgery, according to Dr. Brayshaw. “Exosure to enough heat, or cold or rough surfaces can irritate, inflame or wear through any pad.” That doesn’t mean that your dog has to be left out in the cold when it comes to wintertime fun. Keep her little dog paws safe and healthy with these simple pet care tips.

Give Them Sure Footing

Before you head out to enjoy winter games, make sure your dog’s paws are in good shape. Check pet paws for cracks, cuts or other issues. Use moisturizing topical treatments like Angels’ Eyes Soft Paw Moisturizer, that’s made with natural ingredients for rough, dry and cracked pet paws. You can help insulate them from the cold with natural creams like Tomlyn Protecta-Pad Paw Pad and Elbow Cream.

Waterproof booties can help keep dog feet warm and safe, but not all dogs are comfortable wearing anything on their feet. They may try to chew them off or refuse to walk at all. To help your dog get used to the idea of wearing shoes, don’t wait until the day the big snow storm hits. “Practice putting them on and taking them off your pet for a few weeks so they’ll be used to them when a snow day comes,” said Steven Appelbaum, president and CEO of Animal Behavior College in Santa Clarita, CA.

Use Gentler De-Icers for Pet Paws

Chemical de-icers and sidewalk salt used on streets and sidewalks can not only irritate and burn pet paws, but they can also make your dog sick. When dissolved in water, the chemicals in de-icers react; it creates heat to melt the ice that potentially burn your dog’s paws. These chemicals can also stick to your dog’s feet in the form of ice balls.  When licked, they can cause mouth burns, diarrhea and other health problems.

“If your pet becomes reluctant to walk shortly after outdoor exposure, is excessively licking or biting at their toes, or you notice redness on the skin around the paw pads, this may indicate a problem with chemical exposure on their feet,” says Dr. Lee Gregory, DVM at the Maine Medical Center. “In these cases, remove any ice balls, wash or wipe your dog’s feet clean, and contact your veterinarian in case additional treatment is needed.”

Keep Ice Melters Pet-Safe

Start your winter day on the right foot by avoiding areas known to use de-icers. If you’re not sure, look for the tell-tale white pellets or salt rocks. At your own residence, use pet-safe, salt-free ice melters. Sand is another alternative, and while it’s safer than salt, it can cause chafing. On those occasions when avoiding de-icers isn’t possible, use topical treatments like Four Paws Paw Guard with Lanolin.  This product is specially made to protect paws against salt, sand and other ice and snow eliminators.

Along with de-icers, walking on sharp ice edges or stepping on pointy objects buried in the snow can also cause damage to dog feet. Be sure to check pet paws for any burns, cuts or other injuries, and consult your veterinarian if needed. Protect and repair paw pads with soothing treatments like NaturVet Tender Foot, Food Pad & Elbow Cream. And if Jack Frost’s been nipping at your dog’s nose, you can use a natural moisturizer made just for cracked noses, like Burt’s Bees Care Plus+Paw & Nose Relieving Lotion that’s made with chamomile and rosemary flower extract.

Nip Frostbite in the Pet Paws

In most cases, frostbite is a result of being exposed to the cold for long periods of time. The best way to avoid it is to stay indoors during extreme winter weather, says Dr. Brayshaw. But in those instances when it can occur, watch for the following the signs:

  • Trouble moving extremities like feet, tail and ear tips
  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Burns or direct damage to tissue

If you suspect your pet has frostbite, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Other Winter Safety Tips for Dogs

  • Consider your dog’s breed when going out in winter weather. “Huskies and many other breeds are made for running in the snow, but a Chihuahua needs a jacket when it starts to get chilly,” advises Dr. Brayshaw.
  • Tread on ice lightly, because slips and falls—particularly for elderly pets—are more common in winter.
  • Do not leave your pet outside in extreme temperatures.
  • Keep antifreeze away from pets. It’s poisonous and can be deadly if ingested.
  • Move food and water indoors to keep them from freezing over.

Use this guide to help keep pet paws safe from snow, ice, de-icers and other cold-weather dangers so you can enjoy plenty of fun snow days with your pup.

Ark Naturals makes natural products that allow pets to enjoy a better quality of life, which helps owners feel rest assured that they have cared for their pets in the best way possibly by choosing natural alternatives for dental, joint, skin & coat, cognitive, calming, skin, digestion, and overall wellness care. 


The post How to Protect a Dog’s Paws in the Winter appeared first on ArkNaturals.

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